Ted Power might be one of my favorite people ever. You've seen his photos up here on the site numerous times and riding with him is always a blast! We'll a few days ago he calls me up and goes "dude you want to go ride this ditch I found, it's amazing!" We'll of course I'm intrigued and since I'm new to Toronto I figure hell this could be cool and ditches to ride where I'm from are few and far between. Well not in my wildest dreams did anticipate what he eventually brought me to. This place might be the most awesome spot I've ever ridden. Tricks aren't even required for a good time just riding this 3km long ditch might be the most fun I've had on my bike in a long time. I know ditches like this are dime a dozen in places like LA and other major cities in the states but they're not common where I'm from. Because this day was so awesome I'm going to just post all of the photos Ted snapped of our little excursion. I'd also like to thank John, Steve and Brenden for an awesome Sunday that was capped off with a rooftop bbq back at Johns place. Good times, good people! It's what we strive for here at Skitch.

Reppin' the left coast!

The Ditch!

Me ducking my way through the low bridge.

Something to fakie?

Steve on John's the rooftop.


John and Brendan

Tom and John over, under on the bank.

The crew rolling.

The crew chillin.

Steve's ride.
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