Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Wonka Madness

You pretty much can't turn on the internet these days without finding something about Wonka, he's everywhere. Whether it's photos or videos you can't miss this kid. Here is a sampling of what he's been up to lately.

First up is Japan. Wonka was just over there for the Tokyo BFF's and got up to some crazy things, here are a few videos of what went down.

KINSHIBA SESSION TOM & WONKA 091120 from kenboo! on Vimeo.

Shiba Friday 11.20 from Fixy Life on Vimeo.

flat fix Tom&Wonka from jun iwai on Vimeo.

"Tom" and "Wonka" from -xxxPHOENIX.xxx- on Vimeo.

Next up are the new GOrilla Kilroy video's that have been coming out. The second one pains every vegan bone in my body to post but Wonka is just too funny and the GOrilla frames are amazing.

Kilroy Teaser II - IV from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.

Kilroy Teaser III - IV from Gorilla Bicycles on Vimeo.

Photo at the top was shot by Sexysushi.

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