Thursday, October 2, 2008

barspins and baby jesus a one man show...

today much to my horror( i totally just thesaurused that) barspins and baby jesus was totally empty!!!!
not even one strange japanese guy! beside myself of course.. i mean lately if none of the usuals show up at least some random out of towner ten brings will show up. but today it was just me. which leaves me to thinking.. vancouver you need to get off your ass and up your game!
if you're wondering wether to go or not just call me 778-316-1723. but you'll probably get the same response: "OF COURSE IT"S STILL ON THIS IS VANCOUVER YOU BABY YOU SHOULD BE USED TO THE RAIN BY NOW!"

ps. sorry for the crappy photography it's hard taking pictures of yourself BY YOURSELF!

this post is brought to you by ryan holding it down for the skitchblog westcoast


meat said...

Sad. I'm bummed since I don't have anything to trick on since the accident (and sort of shouldn't trick until my back is better). Maybe I'll show to help you take pictures.

Tom Mosher said...

I know how you feel! I've had more than one TO Track Tricks where it was just my lonely ass pathetically hanging around hoping the sprinkling of rain wouldn't scare everyone off.

you gotta hold it down!

morgman said...

Events don't continue to happen without promotion. Make a post on fixedvan and show up yourself.